“to slow down, and relearn how to focus on one thing at a time.” I needed this reminder 🌲 thanks Rachel 💜

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Aw I'm glad to hear it helped 💜 take it easy!

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Hi Rachel - you've got such high self-awareness :) I think most people feel this way sometimes, or maybe all the time - the pressure of producing. Me included. And although we can intellectually keep telling ourselves that it's all within our control, and that a lot of this is self-imposed, it is still there in front of us, with this haunting presence.

I'm certainly no expert on this and practicing almost every day to reset. What helps me the most is to be truly mindful - especially the traits of non-judging and being with what is (co-existing with whatever may be calling our attention). I plan to write a blog series that touches on all the 5 key traits of mindfulness, but I haven't gotten to it yet! Here is the first one on Non-Judgment, in case you are interested: https://www.thecalmmonkey.com/post/what-to-do-when-mindful-non-judgment-doesn-t-work

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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Thank you so much for reading, Aunt Wendy :) For sure, it's a constant practice. I like your ideas about noticing and softening. I usually find it easier to be softer towards others than myself, but I will work on that too!

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I really needed this today. This reminder. The past six months have been hard in so many way for me and in January I got my first phone with a data plan and I hate it. I have such a tough time restricting myself. I am happy for this reminder and hope to stare at some squirrels soon.

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Aww I'm glad this helped you and I'm not the only one. I admire you for holding out for so long and I'm tempted to return to a "dumb phone" myself. Sorry to hear things have been tough lately, sending grace and good wishes your way 💕 Let's make like Dug, the dog from Up, and shout "squirrel!" more often!

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I love that! I forgot about the dog from Up! Loved the other article you linked to about digital detox. My partner and I have decided we're going to do it together (can't fully detox as he works in a computer capacity) but we're excited to look at what we can do. Thanks for the link Rachel and the well wishes!

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I relate to this so much! And don’t worry, what you’re feeling is very human and natural IMO.

Something similar I sometimes struggle with is the never ending “to read/watch/play/listen” media list. I consume so much media of different types. I wish I could read more, try more video games, see more films, check out more theater. But there’s only so much time in the day. I think consuming mindfully is more important than just consuming more.

You might be interested in the writer Laura Vanderkam. Highly recommend “Off the Clock” which tackles these questions of “where does all my time go? how can I prioritize things that have value to me?”

Looking forward to reading more 💖

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Aw thanks so much Will! I really appreciate your thoughtful comment.

YES that's a great point, aspirational media lists are fun but also the bane of my existence. I know my friends have good taste and I like to check out what they like – for example, I enjoyed The Great Pretender, that awesome anime you recommended me last time! But then the more I fill my days, the harder it becomes to properly reflect and absorb each piece. It's a balance for sure.

Off the Clock sounds like exactly what I need right now! I will borrow a physical copy from the library. Thank you 💖

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