71. A quick roundup #11
Easy, daily stretches; my take on "underconsumption"; and journaling with a treat.
Looking ahead to the last weeks of summer, I feel the pressure to make every day count, but I’m also trying to zoom out and see the bigger picture. Every three months represents another season of life – and another chance to reflect on the resources and mindsets that are easing my daily and monthly rituals. I hope something here “sparks joy” in your routines as well!

Rajio Taiso calisthenics. This is a Japanese exercise often played at the beginning of a work day. Recently, the Powell Street Festival played both versions 1 and 2 as part of their morning programming. I realized how badly my body needs daily stretching! On days when I move in the morning, my brain also feels more alive and alert.
Side note, I use this video when my legs and hips are feeling especially tight!
Mending items at home. I’m not so frugal as to buy into the “underconsumption” trend, but I do love to give well-loved objects a new lease on life. An electric lint-eater recently saved not only my sweaters, but also summer dresses, from unfortunate pilling. Now the fabric feels smooth again!
I’m also a fan of watching TV while sewing holes in my tights and jacket pockets. These renewals are much more satisfying than purchasing fast fashion.Monthly reflection ritual. I let this go for a while, but restarted thanks to a local café. Their email newsletter often includes a coupon for a free coffee or treat, which expires near the end of the month. I leave my phone at home (or at least in my bag) and take at least 30 minutes to sit with my agenda. I ponder the positive and negative memories from the last month; areas worthy of refocus; and intentions or action steps for next month. While the agenda doesn’t include space for reflection, I use this printable template, and copy the salient points into each month’s agenda spread.
This practice helps ensure I am intentionally living, according to my values – not passively swept away with the day-to-day. Also an excuse to use cute stickers :)

What has been brightening your daily or monthly rituals? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!
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